Energy for Refugees | Renewable energy in Antakya,Turkey

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Our mission is to bring renewable energy to Boshim-Iman Hatip Middle School, located in Antakya (Turkey).

The school is located approximately two hours away from Aleppo, and therefore many of the students are Syrian refugees.

The situation

On February 6 last year, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake followed by a 7.7-magnitude one rocked Hatay and 10 other provinces in southern Turkey killing more than 50,000 people and displacing millions. Parts of Hatay remain in ruins, with badly damaged buildings awaiting demolition.

Before and after the two earthquakes



The epicenters of the two quakes

Boshim-Iman Hatip Middle School fortunately avoided major damage, but its student capacity has since expanded from accommodating 800 to now hosting 1500 children, as other educational facilities were destroyed.

Despite its crucial role as a refuge for kids and families in temporary accommodations, the school faces challenges due to insufficient energy supply, leading to frequent power outages throughout the day.

Boshim-Iman Hatip Middle School

Boshim-Iman Hatip Middle School


Our plan

Our proposed solution combines integrated, recyclable solar panels featuring 24 PV modules, an inverter, and a battery for stable electricity.

Our objective extends beyond infrastructure, we aspire to educate and empower the community in implementing a sustainable energy system. 

The simulated solar PV system is projected to generate 15.66 MWh of electricity annually, equivalent to reducing 3243 kg of CO2 emissions.



To start with, a checklist was sent to the school to gather some data on their location and energy consumption. An average daily consumption of 50 kWh was given initially, which was used to size the system accordingly. This preliminary sizing also follows other assumptions, such as:

  • Average Turkey radiation = 5kWh/m^2 leading to 5 equivalent sun hours

  • Grid connection available, battery will be back-up during outages

  • Net metering and export to the grid at full price is possible

  • Enough space available on the roof of the school

The following calculations show the results of the preliminary sizing: 


What are we exactly doing?

- The Team Leader coordinates the team's activities and ensures progress aligns with plans.

- The Engineering Team designs the technical solution, determining the specifications of PV panels, batteries, etc.

- The Project Manager liaises with local contractors, manages component shipment, and oversees installation.

- The Finance and Funding Team seeks sponsorships from companies, universities, and manages bank accounts.

- The Communication and Events Team manages the website, social media, merchandise, and organizes fundraising events.

- The Business Developer establishes relationships with NGOs, associations, and companies.


Currently, we are working remotely from Delft, organizing weekly meetings to stay updated and discuss progress.

In September, our plan is to travel to the school to install the solar panels and conduct educational lectures on sustainable energy practices.



What unites us all? Our shared commitment to making a difference in something we truly believe in.

Do you have any questions or suggestions about the project?

Please do not hesitate to contact us:


Instagram: @energyforrefugees


Energy for Refugees is an NGO founded by students of TUDelft in 2018. Every year, a different team takes on a project related to energy and refugees. This year's team consists of 9 students who fulfill various roles:

- Team Leader: Thomas Rous
- Project Manager: Rafa Martin Arroyo
- Communications and Events: Natalia Violari and Stella Theodoraki
- Engineering: Okto Fenno and Aryeshah Akbar
- Finance and Funding: Marta Amoros Trepat and Anton Tenzler
- Business Developer: Margherita Andorno

Energy for Refugees 2024

Every year, EfR strives to assemble a multidisciplinary team consisting of students from diverse countries and academic backgrounds. This year, we are proud of the representation of 7 different nationalities and 3 different master tracks: MSc in Sustainable Energy Technology, Engineering and Policy Analysis, and Management of Technology.

Discover more about our team through their presentation!

You can find it on or via our Instagram page: @energyforrefugees.