Building a sustainable community in Colombia: one brick at a time!

Still to go

from €5,000 (1%)


We are Leonardo, Sanne, Wiebe and Willem. As students of TU Delft Minor International Entrepreneurship & Development, we will be designing and constructing a sustainable communal meeting space for the community in collaboration with Más Por TIC and the community itself in Noruega Baja, Colombia! 

The community needs a place where they can meet up together. Without this space communal life is hard. The meeting place will be used for education, cultural social gatherings, a leisure space after farm working on the farm, small start-ups to use technology and start businesses together. This way, the building can provide social and economic benefits on the long term. We adapt smart innovations combined with technology to create eco-friendly methods to the building for clean water and energy. Check out the video above for a word of the community.

Más Por TIC is a non-governmental organization that helps people in rural areas of Colombia by teaching them to use technology and entrepreneurship and empower their communities with these skills. It gives them access to tools and trainings to improve their economic and social opportunities. You can find out more about them at their website (

To make this project successful, we need your financial support. We aim to construct a communal house to which upgrades are possible to make it more sustainable, depending on amount of money we will raise. We would like to emphasize that all travel expenses and living costs are entirely borne by us. This means that the raised amount will be directly invested in the project, so ever donation matters. Help us to reach the target amount of € 5000! 

The raised money will be invested in the following: 

  • With €1000, we will start on the foundation.
  • With €2000, we can also begin the construction of the community building.
  • With €3000, we can build both the walls and a roof.
  • With €4000, we can add innovations for clean energy and water.
  • With €5000, we can arrange ICT facilities.

Thank you very much!

Leonardo, Sanne, Wiebe and Willem

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact us!

Our contact person is: Sanne Otter.

You can reach her at +31683542454 or send an email to

For more information, check @tudelftcolombia and also @masxtic out on Instagram.